Infrastructure and Economy

Deregulation is key to economic growth.  That’s not to scare anyone that I want industrial plants to dump pollution into fresh drinking water.  Businesses can operate more efficiently with less red tape and less bureaucracy and still operate ethically. A business’s main goal is to make profit and it is not profitable to hurt your consumer.

I agree with Milton Friedmann: the government’s role in economy should be to create prosperous infrastructure efficiently, not jobs. Government should help entrepreneurship, not hinder it.

Remove the health care link between employer and employee and small businesses will flourish.

Get the government out of marriage and health care and your religious beliefs and personal medical status are no longer relevant to an employer

The deregulation of education will cut costs in education and increase the quality of its product: a skilled work force.

Marijuana legalization will increase the workforce as drug testing has kept qualified candidates from employment. 

A clear path to citizenship along with the American dream grows our economy.


Climate Change


A Conclusion