
I am very pro 2A.  I’m a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association), KSRA (Kansas State Rifle Association), GOA (Gun Owners of America), & the NAGR (National Association for Gun Rights), and Topeka’s own Capital City Gun Club.  It would likely be a plethora of pro-gun tropes I would have to type, and you read, to describe how pro-gun I am. So I’ll try a different approach for those who don’t understand why anyone would want to be pro-gun.

Because evil doesn’t need a gun to be evil. Ok, that is a trope. I’ll specify within my own life. I used to be a teacher and had access to thousands of children over the course of those years. And while some students and parents might complain that I give too much homework or that the tests are too hard, I never did anything evil. Nor would I have needed a gun to commit such acts.

Furthermore, we are supposed to be on the same team. Regardless of party, sex, race, religion, whatever identity politic you see in the mirror, we are all Americans and we should love and respect each other. If you can’t trust your neighbor, you have no community. It doesn’t matter if you are trusting your neighbor to repay the $20 he borrowed or an AR15. The issue at stake is building community. Furthermore, we must be realistic that this is not Sesame Street and that evil exists. Having no guns has never been the solution because mankind endured evil before guns were invented. I want my constituents to own guns to help build a safe community from threats because I know that good people with guns has never been a problem.

So yes, I’m pro-gun, but I’m not so arrogant that I can’t talk to a person with an opposing viewpoint finding solutions that reduce crime and violence.


An Introduction

