Gay Issues

I start by asking you, “Do you believe marriage is sacred?” I do and I assume most people do to. I believe that marriage is something greater than romantically dating and more personal than a business relationship. I believe that it is a religious decision. It is because of this reason that I think the government should stay our of marriage. I don’t see how this has anything to do with the government.

That being said, marriage is so ubiquitous in society that secular laws involving divorce, taxation, health care, insurance, and inheritance, to name a few, involve recognizing someone as being married or not. The simple solution is to simply acknowledge “married or domestic partner” in these laws and keep the government out of religion. There will be people who believe in gay marriage, there will be people who don’t believe in gay marriage and the government can’t do anything about that.

History has shown us that no law by government nor religion can eliminate homosexuality, be that good or bad.  As an atheist, my morality includes evolution; and biology has shown us that it takes exactly 2 genders to engage in sexual intercourse to procreate.  Furthermore, human social history has shown us that the healthiest family is that of a married husband, wife, and children.  It would be logical to encourage societal growth thusly. Current society has many families defined outside of the nuclear family, myself included; but, I do believe that society’s goal should be the nuclear family.

The argument over gay marriage started with respecting a person’s personal choice. I can agree with people making personal choices, even personal choices I disagree with. Now the rainbow flag demands celebration of lifestyles that many find revolting. I will not yield to that authoritarian behavior.

I have not, can not, and will not ever try to stop someone from being gay. What I will do is protect children from being sexual victims, women’s safe spaces, and the nuclear family.


Foreign Policy

