A Conclusion

If you’ve read all of those platforms and agree with me. Thank you for your vote. If you find my explanations to be Orwellian doublespeak, let me close by stating the following.

I am trying to show my constituents, that I value the logic and/or emotion of both sides of an argument. Republicans try to convince voters that the Republican solution is the the one and only solution. Same thing with Democrats. In some ways, the same thing with Libertarians. However, the solutions I am trying to offer do not help anyone for the sake of hindering another.

Libertarians value freedom.  A concept directly related to Kansas’s founding as a free state. I will represent my district as a voice of reason, safe from the corruption of political parties. I am willing to listen to all sides of an argument, and can empathize with the emotions and logic with whom I disagree.  Win or lose, I hope my campaign encourages others to run as and others to vote for 3rd party candidates as I believe it is the only hope to end the monoculture that is the 2 party system in our government.

