
I taught in public schools for 10 years. Most of it was in urban, high poverty Chicago Public Schools but also in a nice, suburban school district in Oregon. 

There is no such thing as a politician who is anti-education. But frankly, the school systems are failing us and we all know it. I have had many friends and coworkers throughout my life who have taught or are still teaching in schools. We see rising tuition costs met with lowered learning. Just like health care and social security, clearly throwing money at the problem is not fixing it.

That is to say, the American education system is rotten.  The teachers union is a corrupt puppet of the Democratic Party, working for their members’ materialistic gain over the improvement of public education.  The story that the only happy, successful career you can have will start at the age of 22 with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and negligible career skills is not economically sustainable.  Frankly, I find it evil. 

Protecting school choice, advancing school choice vouchers, holding taxpayer funded education accountable to providing job skills, reducing regulation on private schooling, and keeping federal and state governments out of the local school boards is important to me. We need to decentralize education and bring the power back to the principals and teachers.

It’s amazing to me how many teachers dislike my anti-union stance because you don’t need a union nor the government in your school. What you need is your skills being freely used for the job that you are trained to perform. Instead, these front line workers are beholden to political and union policies. Instead they should be focusing on the product their industry creates and that is educated young adults.


Health Care/ Social Security


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