
Donations are working!

Please note the following

  • Ethics laws for donations require me to get the name and address of anyone who donates.

  • Ethics laws for donations of $150 or more require me to get the occupation of anyone who donates.

  • Because of my website building skills, or lack there of, I’m just going to program the button to ask for everyones occupation. Sorry for the invasion of privacy.

  • I am asking for your phone number so that I may give you a courtesy call to remind you to vote within a week of Election Day, not required.

  • I am asking for your email so that I may email you about any upcoming events or campaign news., not required.

  • A text box where you can add any comment or questions.

If you wanted to donate outside of the internet use the contact button to mail in a check. The campaign will actually get more money that way because I don’t have to pay the convenience fee.

If you are mailing in a check, make checks out to “Aric Hermann for KS 53”

If you want to donate outside of money, such as time, energy, other products, use the contact button to reach out to help the campaign.