Aric Hermann for KS 53

Who is Aric Hermann?

Thank you for visiting my site and showing interest in my campaign. Check out my platform for further information on my specific political stances. Check out the paragraph to the right for why I am running. Here I will simply tell you a little bit about me. A story something akin to a personal resume, but you can skip the story and just read the bullet points as I’ll start with that summary.

  • BS in Electrical Engineering

  • MS in Secondary Math Education

  • 10 years a secondary math teacher

  • 7 years working in engineering

  • 4+ years working in labor

I moved to Topeka, Kansas 3 years ago from Oregon, and I’m originally from Illinois.

I grew up in Morton, Illinois: a nice town in Central Illinois. I excelled in athletics and academics as a child in a nice public school system. Upon graduating high school in 1999, I went to University of Illinois and graduated with a BS in electrical engineering in 2003.

Despite the degree, finding an engineering job alluded me, and I wore many hats in the food & beverage industry. Upon moving to Chicago, I got work installing audio-video equipment. I even got to set up the TV for then-Senator Obama’s kids playroom. The economics of that time hit everyone hard and a job in the luxuries turned into unemployment.

A new door opened when I was accepted into the Chicago Teaching Fellows organization. Similar to Teach for America, this program takes non-education graduates and transforms them into teachers for the less desirable schools. Teaching was never a passion of mine, and I won’t claim to be the superman Oprah was searching for. However, I did my best and strained to be professional in what I saw as an increasingly corrupt and failing industry.

Like everyone, my life has afforded me blessings ungiven to others, and tragedies seemingly so unfair. I ended up moving to Oregon with my fiance to start a new life together, but that life ended before it ever materialized. My career returned to the engineering field, and I was ready to move back to the Midwest. I accepted a position at an engineering firm with an office in Topeka, and that is how I got here.


Why is he running?

On the left side, I shared my life story so that you could get to know me. Like everyone, I’ve had my blessings and setbacks. My greatest mistakes were trusting the promises of others who had no intention of telling the truth.

Those experiences, both as a child and as an adult have put a counter-culture mentality within me. But it has also taught me that I am the greatest power in my fate. Our society’s greatest mistake is trusting this partisan government to fix our problems.

In short I am running because I see a broken system, and if i want the system to change, then I must actively work for that change.

One regret I have is never serving in the military for this country. I am told old to serve in the military, but this is one way that I can serve my country now. That is why I am running.

Another reason why I’m running is because I’m not a politician and don’t want to become one. I’m doing it because I think I’m highly qualified and this lack of desire to have power is one of my qualifications that I believe most politicians do not have.

I’m old enough now that I have experienced several phases of life. I’ve voted for Democrats and Republicans: for President, Congress, State positions, and local government. And all I’ve ever seen is half of the politicians blaming the other half. It’s pathetic. That is why I will not run with an R or a D next to my name. This nation needs a third party and it needs moderation between the two extremes. I hope to give the people of District 53 a balanced vote in the State House. Every election cycle the R’s & D’s talk about bi-partisan moderation, get elected and fail to act in the best interest of the people. They act in the best interest of their party and their relection. I’m running because I can’t trust someone who puts as R or D next to their name to put their name as if that is good advertising on the ballot.

I’ll sum it up by saying, that I’m sick of the direction this country and these two parties are heading. And if I’m going to complain about how to make it better, I better put my money where my mouth is. I don’t want to call half of this country “Deplorables” and I don’t want to call half of this country “Godless heathens.” We need to agree that we will disagree on things but that together our goal of building a loving and prosperous community will benefit Kansas, District 53, and America, one vote at a time.