Climate Change

I’m given to understand that ‘The Science’ is tracking drastic habitat change.  Now that can certainly be important to the world, America, District #53, and Kansas farmers outside the district.

I’d consider myself something of a redneck hippy. I like to use reusable bags. I garden. I fish and hunt. I likely keep my thermostat at temperatures most would find uncomfortable to reduce my bill and fossil fuel. In other words I consider myself green, and want to work for a green world.

That being said, laws that artificially increase energy costs do not help us transition to green technology.  Furthermore, fossil fuels are needed to build the infrastructure that will reduce fossil fuel dependence. Kansas and the US should adapt energy independence for economic and military safety.  There is no magic wand that ends pollution tomorrow.  Apocalyptic climate cults do not save the world; nor is the world doomed,. We should efficiently and safely be using the resources we have available currently to invest in a sustainable future.



